HL7® Austria FHIR® Core Implementation Guides


Welcome to the HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guide Registry of HL7® Austria.

HL7® Austria & TC FHIR®

HL7® Austria is an official Affiliate of HL7® International. Within HL7® Austria the technical committee for FHIR® (TC FHIR®) is responsible to promote and disseminate the new upcoming standard HL7® FHIR®. The TC FHIR® deals with the standard-compliant and coordinated usage of HL7® FHIR® based communication solutions. It coordinates and describes necessary localizations and offers concrete help for FHIR®-compliant interfaces.

Available Implementation Guides

Official HL7-AT IGs

HL7®-AT-FHIR®-Core-R5 - Ballot 2 - 2024

FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-core-ballot_2024_stu2 1.1.0-STU2 ballot_2024_stu2 17.07.2024

HL7-AT-FHIR-Core-R4 - Ballot 1 - 2021

FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7 Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-core-ballot_2021_01 0.2.0-STU1 ballot_2021_01 18.02.2021


FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-core-main 1.1.0-STU2 main 12.07.2024


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-core-main 1.1.0-STU2 main 09.07.2024
./r4-core-STU1 1.0.0-STU1 STU1 12.04.2022

HL7®-AT-FHIR®-Core-R4 - Ballot 2 - 2024

FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-core-ballot_2024_stu2 1.1.0-STU2 ballot_2024_stu2 17.07.2024

HL7 IG Infrastructure Workshop

Sample Implementation Guide for the annual HL7® Austria meeting workshops.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./ig-infrastructure-main 0.1.0 main 14.03.2023

HL7 Austria Member IGs


FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the Process Intelligence and Conformance Auditing (PICA) project.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-pica-main 0.1.0-STU1 main 06.09.2023
./r4-pica-main 0.1.0-STU1 main 06.09.2023


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for IV Heart Failure

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-ELGA-IV-Herzinsuffizienz-main 0.1.0 main 29.05.2024


Moderne Patient:innenabrechnung und Datenkommunikation on FHIR (MOPED)

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-ELGA-MOPED-main 0.1.0 main 19.07.2024


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for appointment scheduling with the Naboto API.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-naboto-main 0.1.4 main 03.11.2022


The Implementation Guide for the Linked Care platform. Authored by the Linked Care Consortium.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-LinkedCare-main 0.9.1 main 29.11.2023


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the HL7 ATApp Integration.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-kiola-main 0.1.0-STU1 main 27.04.2024


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the Austrian Patient Summary.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-ELGA-AustrianPatientSummary-main 0.1.0 main 19.06.2024


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for IV Diabetes

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-ELGA-IV-Diabetes-main 0.1.0 main 29.05.2024


FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the national provision of medicinal product information.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-AGES-MedicinalProduct-main 0.1.0 main 27.05.2024


Die Entwurfsversion des zukünftig gültigen e-Medikations Leitfadens v3. Die aktuell gültigen Leitfaden bitten wir Sie von https://wiki.hl7.at/index.php?title=Implementierungsleitf%C3%A4den zu entnehmen.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-ELGA-e-medikation-main 0.0.0 main 26.06.2024

Working Drafts


FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-core-SSNr-DisplayName-Correction 1.1.0-STU2 SSNr-DisplayName-Correction 06.05.2024
./r5-core-ID-Change4FHIR-IG 1.1.0-STU2 ID-Change4FHIR-IG 26.04.2024
./r5-core-STU2-Ballot-Preparation-Narratives 1.1.0-STU2 STU2-Ballot-Preparation-Narratives 10.07.2024
./HL7-AT-FHIR-Core-R5 1.1.0-STU2 HL7-AT-FHIR-Core-R5 03.05.2024
./r5-core-Remove-fixedCodeSystem_Ext-Religion 1.1.0-STU2 Remove-fixedCodeSystem_Ext-Religion 27.04.2024


FHIR® R4 Implementation Guide for the national FHIR® core profiles provided by HL7® Austria.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r4-core-STU2-Ballot-Preparation-Narratives 1.1.0-STU2 STU2-Ballot-Preparation-Narratives 09.07.2024
./r4-core-SSNrDisplayNameCorrection 1.1.0-STU2 SSNrDisplayNameCorrection 10.05.2024
./r4-core-Change-of-IG-Id 1.1.0-STU2 Change-of-IG-Id 27.04.2024
./r4-core-Remove_FixedCodeSystem_Ext-Religion 1.1.0-STU2 Remove_FixedCodeSystem_Ext-Religion 27.04.2024


FHIR® R5 Implementation Guide for the national provision of medicinal product information.

Published at Version Status Last Published
./r5-AGES-MedicinalProduct-review 0.1.0 review 24.05.2024