HL7® Austria FHIR® Core Implementation Guide
0.3.0 - STU1

Example Patient: HL7ATCorePatientExample02-deceasedTime

Generated Narrative

Resource "HL7ATCorePatientExample02-deceasedTime"

Profile: HL7® AT Core Patient Profile

identifier: Social Security Number: 1111241261 (OFFICIAL), National unique individual identifier: GH:oeLdSEb0l+8kSdJWjOYyYmnYki0 (OFFICIAL), Patient internal identifier: 0815 (OFFICIAL)

name: Muster Andreas Bauer

telecom: +43.2682.40400

gender: male

birthDate: 1990-12-24

deceased: 2019-01-14T17:22:00+10:00

address: Berggasse 13a Eisenstadt Burgenland 7000 AUT (HOME)

maritalStatus: Married (MaritalStatus#M)


*German (Tags for the Identification of Languages#de)true