0.1.0 - ci-build

TCFHIRAGSchedulingR5 - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

OperationDefinition: appointment-book

Official URL: http://hl7.at/fhir/TC-FHIR-AG-Scheduling-R5/R5/OperationDefinition/appointment-book Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2025-01-25 Responsible: HL7® Austria, TC FHIR® Computable Name: Book_Appointment_Operation

Request to book a selected Appointment. This operation follows the appointment availability and optional hold interactions. This operation completes the booking of an appointment. The server determines if the nominated appointment is still available (i.e., all the required actors and physical assets needed for the appointment are still available) and either accepts or rejects the book request and updates the resource status accordingly.

Generated Narrative: OperationDefinition appointment-book

URL: [base]/Appointment/$book


INappointment-resource1..1Resource (HL7® AT Scheduling Appointment Profile)

The full appointment resource is needed for this operation. The appointment SHALL have the status "proposed".


The response will be a Parameters resource consisting of the requested Appointment resource and an OperationOutcome with errors, warnings or information as a result of processing the operation. The Appointment resource will have an updated status of "booked" if the request is approved or "cancelled" if it is rejected.


Book a New Appointment

This operation is used by the Scheduling Client to request the booking of an appointment from a Scheduling Server. The Scheduling Cliet provides a full Appointment resource that SHALL have the status "proposed".

If the appointment $book operation was successful the Scheduling Server returns an Appointment resource with the the value of Appointment.status set to "booked"

The Scheduling Client is expected to convey the outcome to the user who requested the creation of the appointment, and to record the current state of the appointment in the corresponding system(s), including any error conditions..


The following pre-conditions must be fullfilled for the $book operation to be successful:

  • The referenced patient in Appointment.subject SHALL already exist on or must be known to the Scheduling Server
  • If a HealthcareService is provided in Appointment.serviceType it SHALL already exist on or must be known to and supported by the Scheduling Server
  • If a Slot is provided in Appointment.slot the Slot SHALL exist and must be available for booking on the Scheduling Server

If any of those pre-conditions are not met, the Scheduling Server SHALL reject the operation and provide a corresponding explanation in the OperationOutcome.

