AIST PICA Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - STU1


What is PICA?

PICA is an implementation guide that details how the conformance of processes conducted in a medical setting can be validated compared to an existing guideline or process description. It does so by providing guidance on how to do correct logging via the FHIR® AuditEvent resource. The IG also provides guidance on how to conduct performance auditing based on this log with tools from the process mining domain, and including this in existing software architectures.

What isn’t PICA?

PICA does not deal with mining processes, or enriching existing audit logs.


PICA can be applied to any FHIR® based audit logging. It is aligned with concepts from the IHE RESTful Audit Trail and Node Authentication (RATNA) profile.

To be applicable as an addition in existing infrastructures, it is recommended to implement PICA as an Audit Record Repository. An example for this, specific to the radiology domain, is outlined in IHE Standardized Operational Log of Events (SOLE) profile.

PICA Architecture in relation to RATNA

The PICA Project hosts a reference implementation of the Audit Record Repository in TODO. This is a HAPI based FHIR® server, supporting all profiles, extensions, and FHIR® Operations this IG has to offer.

Process Mining Perspectives

The following table shows the possible options PICA can be applied for conformance purposes. Based on the core, which is required at all times in a patient centric view, each view can be applied individually or joined with each other. These perspectives are based on the work Process Mining on FHIR - An Open Standards-Based Process Analytics Approach for Healthcare

Perspective Description Outcome
core AuditEvent resources are created on server and refer to a Patient resource via ae.entity (see We can mine process(es) for a specific patient
patient-visit (encounter) ae.encounter exists. It refers to a patient visit grouping multiple AuditEvents We can analyze the patient pathway during an encounter (e.g. hospital stay)
care-pathway (based-on) ae.basedOn exists. It refers to a workflow grouping multiple AuditEvents We can analyze a specific process
conformance ae.code has at least one coding, that refers to a value-set defining a standardized log of operational events (e.g. We can mine only relevant activities, and know what those activities are
multi-perspective ae.agents lists all agents that participated in that process step. We can mine the process from multiple perspectives (actors)