Validation Results for MOPED

Generated Thu Nov 21 12:55:36 UTC 2024, FHIR version 5.0.0 for fhir.example#0.1.0 (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.7.3
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId = fhir.example, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • This IG has never been published
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
.. fhir.example0.1.0R5
... hl7.terminology.r56.1.0 MR5http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.1.0 MR5
... UR5 to latest patch release (current->1.1.0)
.... hl7.terminology.r56.0.2 OR5http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r55.1.0 MR5 above
Templates: -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.3.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Not Found)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Validation Flags: On: autoLoad; Off: hintAboutNonMustSupport, anyExtensionsAllowed, checkAggregation, showReferenceMessages, noExperimentalContent, displayWarnings
Summary: errors = 24, warn = 662, info = 25, broken links = 1017
Build Errors1017470

n/a Show Validation Information

warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource ValueSet/moped-LKFmedizinischeEinzelleistungen-valueset. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Questionnaire/tiss-a-questionnaire. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/tiss-a-questionnaireresponse. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Account/Test1Account. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/Test1Condition1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Coverage/Test1MOPEDCoverage. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource CoverageEligibilityRequest/Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource CoverageEligibilityResponse/Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1MOPEDEncounter. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1MOPEDEncounterBasis. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1MOPEDEncounterBund. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1MOPEDEncounterLGF. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1MOPEDEncounterSV. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test1OrganizationAbteilung1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test1OrganizationInsurance1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test1OrganizationUeberweisendeOrganisation. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test1Patient. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test1PatientBund. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test1PatientLGF. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test1PatientOhneMaskierung. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test1PatientSV. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test1TransferEncounter1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Account/Test2Account. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/Test2Condition1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Condition/Test2Condition2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Coverage/Test2MOPEDCoverage. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource CoverageEligibilityRequest/Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource CoverageEligibilityResponse/Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2MOPEDEncounter1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationAbteilung1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationAbteilung2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationAbteilung3. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationAbteilung4. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationInsurance1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Organization/Test2OrganizationUeberweisendeOrganisation. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Patient/Test2Patient. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Procedure/Test2Procedure1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource QuestionnaireResponse/Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2TransferEncounter1. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2TransferEncounter2. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2TransferEncounter3. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2TransferEncounter4. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Encounter/Test2TransferEncounter5. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
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output​/Account-Test1Account​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test1Account​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 255, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test1Account​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 259, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test1Account​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 250, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test2Account​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test2Account​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test2Account​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 263, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test2Account​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 265, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Account-Test2Account​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 258, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test1Condition1​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test1Condition1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test1Condition1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 280, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test1Condition1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 270, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test1Condition1​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 268, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition1​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 281, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 271, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition1​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 269, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition2​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition2​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition2​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 281, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition2​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 271, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Condition-Test2Condition2​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 270, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 255, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 256, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 248, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 255, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 256, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 262, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 253, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 214, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 256, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 259, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-WorkflowStatus-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 261, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-abgangsart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 272, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-altersgruppe-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-altersgruppe-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-altersgruppe-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 301, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-altersgruppe-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 328, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 276, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 271, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
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output​/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 276, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 271, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 268, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 372, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 319, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 373, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 272, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 269, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 264, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 272, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 269, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 267, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 288, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 277, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 280, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 380, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 323, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 376, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset-testing​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 236, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.change​.history​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 205, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/a at Line 209, column 10errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 313, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 356, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.ttl​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 311, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset​.xml​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 358, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/actors​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/script at Line 167, column 2warningThe <script> containing the javascript 'import mermaid from '... is illegal and not allowed on the HL7 cibuild - need to put the script in a .js file in a trusted template if this IG is to build on the HL7 cibuild
output​/actors​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 284, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/artifacts​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 1477, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/index​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 193, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/ka-org_mapping​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 3494, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/lkf_mapping​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 1832, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/toc​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 163, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/use_case_description​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 349, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
output​/workflowmanagement​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 283, column 22errorThe link '' for "Example Publisher" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test1Account.json Show Validation Information (1)

Account​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l12​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Workflow Status eines Falls' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l12​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l19​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Verdacht auf Arbeits- oder Schuelerunfall ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l19​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test2Account.json Show Validation Information (1)

Account​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l12​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Workflow Status eines Falls' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l12​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l19​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Verdacht auf Arbeits- oder Schuelerunfall ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Account​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l19​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test1Condition1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.identifier[0] (l10/c6)warningConstraint failed: ident-1: 'Identifier with no value has limited utility. If communicating that an identifier value has been suppressed or missing, the value element SHOULD be present with an extension indicating the missing semantic - e.g. data-absent-reason' (defined in
Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.system (l21​/c4)errorThe Coding references a value set, not a code system ('') (from
Condition.code.coding[1] (l21/c4)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition.code.coding[0] (l23/c8)warningValueSet '' not found
Condition.code.coding[0] (l23/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition.code.coding[1] (l28/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.system (l22​/c4)errorThe Coding references a value set, not a code system ('') (from
Condition.code.coding[1] (l22/c4)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition.code.coding[0] (l24/c8)warningValueSet '' not found
Condition.code.coding[0] (l24/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition.code.coding[1] (l29/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition2.json Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.code.coding[0] (l22/c4)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition​.code​.coding[1]​.system (l22​/c4)errorThe Coding references a value set, not a code system ('') (from
Condition.code.coding[0] (l24/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Condition.code.coding[1] (l29/c8)warningValueSet '' not found
Condition.code.coding[1] (l29/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage.json Show Validation Information (1)

Coverage.class[0].type (l17/c8)warningValueSet '' not found
Coverage​.class[0]​.type​.coding[0] (l17​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage.json Show Validation Information (1)

Coverage.class[0].type (l17/c8)warningValueSet '' not found
Coverage​.class[0]​.type​.coding[0] (l17​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.json Show Validation Information (1)

CoverageEligibilityRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l26​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Sonderklasse ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityRequest​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l26​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.json Show Validation Information (1)

CoverageEligibilityRequest​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l22​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Sonderklasse ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityRequest​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l22​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.json Show Validation Information (1)

CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[1] (l28​/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l30​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l37​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Befreiung für den Verpflegskostenbeitrag' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l37​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.json Show Validation Information (1)

CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l30​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Status der Versichertenanspruchserklärung' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l30​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l37​/c8)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Befreiung für den Verpflegskostenbeitrag' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
CoverageEligibilityResponse​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l37​/c8)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter.reason[0] (l53/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Encounter.class[0].coding[0] (l32/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0] (l32/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.class[1].coding[0] (l40/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[1] (l40/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter​.reason[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l55​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.reason[0]​.value[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l66​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Encounter.diagnosis[0].use[0] (l94/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l94​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l81​/c10)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Zugangsart des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l81​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBasis.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter.class[0].coding[0] (l44/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0] (l44/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.class[1].coding[0] (l52/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[1] (l52/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter​.reason[0]​.value[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l78​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0] (l105​/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l105​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l92​/c10)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBund.json Show Validation Information (3)

Encounter.class[0].coding[0] (l29/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0] (l29/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.class[1].coding[0] (l37/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[1] (l37/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.diagnosis[0].use[0] (l65/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l65​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l52​/c10)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterLGF.json Show Validation Information (3)

Encounter.class[0].coding[0] (l27/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0] (l27/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.class[1].coding[0] (l35/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[1] (l35/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.diagnosis[0].use[0] (l63/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l63​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l51​/c10)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterSV.json Show Validation Information (3)

Encounter​.reason[0]​.value[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l43​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l58​/c10)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1TransferEncounter1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l14​/c28)errorThe value provided ('55') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#55' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '55' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter.identifier[0] (l10/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Encounter.reason[0] (l54/c6)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Encounter​.identifier[0]​.type​.coding[0] (l11​/c8)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0].coding[0] (l32/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[0] (l32/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter.class[1].coding[0] (l40/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter.class[1] (l40/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found
Encounter​.reason[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l56​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.reason[0]​.value[0]​.concept​.coding[0] (l67​/c12)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0] (l103​/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[0]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l103​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.diagnosis[1]​.use[0] (l122​/c10)warningValueSet '' not found
Encounter​.diagnosis[1]​.use[0]​.coding[0] (l122​/c10)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l82​/c10)errorThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Zugangsart des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l82​/c10)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.dischargeDisposition​.coding[0] (l88​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.dischargeDisposition (l88​/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l17​/c28)errorThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter2.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l28​/c28)errorThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)
Encounter​.admission​.dischargeDisposition​.coding[0] (l14​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Encounter​.admission​.dischargeDisposition (l14​/c6)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter3.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l18​/c28)errorThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter4.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l17​/c28)errorThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter5.json Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(code) (l17​/c28)errorThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0') (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1Patient.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l52​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l52​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found
Patient.identifier[0].type (l16/c8)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientBund.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l42​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l42​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientLGF.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l42​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l42​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientOhneMaskierung.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l72​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l72​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found
Patient.identifier[0].type (l16/c8)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientSV.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l66​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l66​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found
Patient.identifier[0].type (l16/c8)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test2Patient.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l52​/c12)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l52​/c12)warningValueSet '' not found
Patient.identifier[0].type (l16/c8)warningValueSet '' not found

fsh-generated/resources/Procedure-Test2Procedure1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Procedure.code.coding[0] (l33/c4)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Procedure.code (l33/c4)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|0.1.0' because the code system was not found

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[9]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127301)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[9]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127387)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[9]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127453)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[9]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127541)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127729)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c127832)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128026)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128088)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128136)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[11]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128318)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[11]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128388)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[11]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128446)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[11]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128494)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128678)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128869)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c128985)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129050)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129110)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129171)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[6]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129237)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[7]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129311)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[8]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129491)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[9]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129551)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[10]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129658)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[11]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129773)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answerOption[12]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129822)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[13]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c129988)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[13]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130119)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[13]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130167)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130345)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130433)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130497)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130592)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130640)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130820)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130906)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c130968)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131077)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131159)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131207)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131373)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131525)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131699)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131909)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c131957)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[17]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c132141)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[17]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c132578)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[17]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c132698)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[17]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c132939)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[19]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c133219)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[19]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c133361)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[20]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c133491)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[22]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c133764)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134010)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134106)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134173)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134275)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134386)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134445)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[6]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134515)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[7]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134579)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[8]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134676)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[9]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134741)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[10]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c134874)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[11]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135095)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[12]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135151)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[13]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135319)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[14]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135452)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[15]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135569)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[16]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135694)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[17]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c135806)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[18]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136042)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[19]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136098)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[20]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136165)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[21]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136347)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[22]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136427)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[23]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136507)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[24]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136572)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[25]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136645)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[26]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136716)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[27]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136902)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[28]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c136969)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[29]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137119)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[30]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137176)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[31]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137234)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[32]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137297)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[33]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137358)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[34]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137423)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[35]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137487)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[36]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137552)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[37]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137620)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[38]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137685)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[39]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137755)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[40]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137829)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[41]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137895)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answerOption[42]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c137975)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[24]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138284)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[24]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138507)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[24]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138576)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138735)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138824)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138883)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c138963)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139027)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139097)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139253)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139331)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139394)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139472)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139547)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[27]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139704)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[27]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139762)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[27]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139824)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[27]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c139873)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[28]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c140019)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[30]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c145795)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[32]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c146069)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[33]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c146282)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[34]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c146508)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[35]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c146715)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[36]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c146920)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148042)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148211)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148405)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148580)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148692)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148810)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[0]​.item[38]​.answerOption[6]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c148956)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-ka-statistik-k03.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire (l1/c44229)warningConstraint failed: cnl-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' (defined in
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-ka-statistik-k05.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire (l1/c25520)warningConstraint failed: cnl-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation' (defined in
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire​.item[9]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c64923)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[9]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c64984)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[9]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65046)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[10]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65209)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[10]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65273)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[10]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65337)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[10]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65428)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65649)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65696)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65742)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65794)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65848)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[12]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c65901)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66062)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66124)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66176)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66227)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66274)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[13]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66322)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[16]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66645)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[16]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66716)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[16]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c66788)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67146)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67206)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67269)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67327)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67387)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[19]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c67446)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[29]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68356)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[29]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68418)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[29]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68483)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68776)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68831)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68885)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68934)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[4]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c68996)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[5]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c69046)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[6]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c69101)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Questionnaire​.item[31]​.answerOption[7]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l1​/c69171)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.json Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[8]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l82​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[9]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l94​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[10]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l106​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[11]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l118​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[12]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l130​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[13]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l142​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[14]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l154​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[15]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l166​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[16]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l178​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[18]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l199​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[22]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l238​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[23]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l250​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[24]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l262​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[25]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l274​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[26]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l286​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.item[37]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l598​/c16)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.item[9]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l80​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[10]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l91​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[12]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l110​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[13]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l121​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[16]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l148​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[19]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l175​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[29]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l258​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[31]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l277​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-Hauptversicherter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/Hauptversicherter')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDAccount.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Account.billingStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[20]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Account.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[44]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Account.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[54]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Account.procedure.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[63]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Account.relatedAccount.relationship' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDAufnahmeBundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[15]​.slicing​.discriminator[0] (l1​/c55966)errorNew Rule: The discriminator path 'resource.resolve().meta.profile' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Bundle.entry': Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function resolve can only be used on ordered string, uri, canonical or Reference but found [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] (@char 1)
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/MOPEDAufnahmeBundle')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDClaim.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[18]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[20]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.subType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[28]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.priority' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[29]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.fundsReserve' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[35]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.related.relationship' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.payee.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[55]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.event.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.careTeam.role' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[65]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.careTeam.specialty' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[71]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.supportingInfo.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[72]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.supportingInfo.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[75]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.supportingInfo.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.diagnosis.diagnosis[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[82]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.diagnosis.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[83]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.diagnosis.onAdmission' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[90]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.procedure.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[92]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.procedure.procedure[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[123]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[124]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[125]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[126]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[128]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[129]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.programCode' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[131]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.location[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[143]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[144]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.bodySite.subSite' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[152]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[153]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[154]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[155]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[156]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[157]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.programCode' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[171]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[172]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[173]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[174]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[175]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[176]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Claim.item.detail.subDetail.programCode' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/MOPEDClaim')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDClaimResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[26]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.subType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.decision' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[55]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.event.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[57]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.payeeType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[71]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.item.reviewOutcome.decision' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[72]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.item.reviewOutcome.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.item.adjudication.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[80]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.item.adjudication.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[111]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[112]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[114]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[115]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.programCode' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[117]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.location[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[128]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.bodySite.subSite' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[137]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[138]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[139]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[140]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[154]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.subDetail.revenue' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[155]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.subDetail.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[156]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.subDetail.productOrServiceEnd' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[157]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.addItem.detail.subDetail.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[171]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[177]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.payment.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[179]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.payment.adjustmentReason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[183]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.fundsReserve' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[184]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.formCode' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[211]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'ClaimResponse.error.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/MOPEDClaimResponse')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDCondition.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[22] (l1​/c76427)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c155691)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.bodySite' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[74]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.participant.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[80]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.stage.summary' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[82]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.stage.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[83]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Condition.evidence' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDCoverage.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[19]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Coverage.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[68]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Coverage.costToBeneficiary.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[69]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[70]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Coverage.costToBeneficiary.unit' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[71]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Coverage.costToBeneficiary.term' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[77]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Coverage.costToBeneficiary.exception.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[12]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.priority' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[20]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.event.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.item.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[48]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.item.productOrService' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.item.modifier' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityRequest.item.diagnosis.diagnosis[x]' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityResponse.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[21]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityResponse.event.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[41]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[42]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[48]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[50]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[55]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[59]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element '' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[62]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityResponse.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[67]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'CoverageEligibilityResponse.error.code' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDEncounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c113904)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c138007)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[118] (l1​/c231471)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5] (l1​/c272785)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[10] (l1​/c273573)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[22] (l1​/c275550)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[21]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[78]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.subjectStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[104]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[105]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[130]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[151]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDEncounterBund.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c46752)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c70855)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[118] (l1​/c164319)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[78]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.subjectStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[104]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[105]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[130]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[151]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDEncounterKH.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c40362)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c64465)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[118] (l1​/c157929)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[78]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.subjectStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[104]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[105]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[130]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[151]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/MOPEDEncounterKH')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDEncounterLGF.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c46740)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c70843)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[118] (l1​/c164307)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[78]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.subjectStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[104]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[105]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[130]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[151]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDEncounterSV.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23] (l1​/c54822)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c78925)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[118] (l1​/c172389)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[78]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[79]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.subjectStatus' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[104]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[105]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[110]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[127]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[130]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[151]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDOrganizationAbteilung.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[16] (l1​/c45710)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[25] (l1​/c56787)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c80558)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[6] (l1​/c80905)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[30]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Organization.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDPatientBund.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[41] (l1​/c85304)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c87592)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47] (l1​/c93241)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56] (l1​/c106688)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[67] (l1​/c119622)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[69] (l1​/c121876)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[73] (l1​/c127473)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[82] (l1​/c140771)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[93] (l1​/c153837)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[95] (l1​/c156113)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[54]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[80]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDPatientLGF.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[41] (l1​/c78715)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[43] (l1​/c81003)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[47] (l1​/c86652)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56] (l1​/c100099)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[67] (l1​/c113033)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[69] (l1​/c115287)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[73] (l1​/c120884)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[82] (l1​/c134182)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[93] (l1​/c147248)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[95] (l1​/c149524)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[54]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[80]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDPatientSV.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49] (l1​/c76354)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[51] (l1​/c78642)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[55] (l1​/c84291)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[64] (l1​/c97738)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[75] (l1​/c110672)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[77] (l1​/c112926)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[81] (l1​/c118523)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[90] (l1​/c131821)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[101] (l1​/c144887)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[103] (l1​/c147163)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[62]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[88]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Patient.identifier.assigner.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDProcedure.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[22] (l1​/c62165)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c119878)warningConstraint failed: eld-24: 'pattern[x] should be used rather than fixed[x]' (defined in (Best Practice Recommendation)
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[34]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[35]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.statusReason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[36]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.category' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[49]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.performer.function' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[54]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.reason' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[55]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.bodySite' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[56]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.outcome' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[58]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.complication' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[59]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.followUp' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[67]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Procedure.used' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDTransferEncounter.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[10]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.status' binds to the value set '|5.0.0' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[13]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.type' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[14]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.serviceType' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[39]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.use' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[40]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.reason.value' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[45]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.diagnosis.condition' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[48]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.dietPreference' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[68]​.bindingwarningThe definition for the element 'Encounter.location.form' binds to the value set '' which is experimental, but this structure is not labeled as experimental

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-abrechnungsRelevanz.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-abrechnungsRelevanz: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-abrechnungsRelevanz')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-altersgruppe.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[0]​.constraint[2] (l1​/c36450)warningmoped-inv-Altersgruppe-1: The left side is inherently a collection, and so the expression '$this.extension('neugeborenes') = true' may fail or return false if there is more than one item in the content being evaluated
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[0]​.constraint[2] (l1​/c36450)warningmoped-inv-Altersgruppe-1: The left side is inherently a collection, and so the expression '$this.extension('beiZugang') = '0'' may fail or return false if there is more than one item in the content being evaluated

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-anzahlSonderleistungen.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-anzahlSonderleistungen')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-beihilfenaequivalent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-beihilfenaequivalent')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-claimRef.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-claimRef')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-coverageEligibilityRequestRef.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-coverageEligibilityRequestRef')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-diagnoseErworben.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-diagnoseErworben')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-diagnoseKnoten.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-diagnoseKnoten: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-diagnoseKnoten')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-fehlerWarnung.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-fehlerWarnung: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-fehlerWarnung')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-fondsrelevanz.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-fondsrelevanz: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-fondsrelevanz')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-forderungsbetragAuslaenderverrechnungRegress.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-forderungsbetragAuslaenderverrechnungRegress')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-fristende.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-fristende: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-konstenmeldungARK.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-konstenmeldungARK')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-kostenstelle.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-kostenstelle: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-kostenstelle')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-ldfBetragNetto.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-ldfBetragNetto')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-ldfPunktewertNetto.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-ldfPunktewertNetto')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-lkfPunkte.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-lkfPunkte: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-lkfPunkte')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-patientenanteil.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-patientenanteil')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-patientenanteilAngehoerige.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-patientenanteilAngehoerige')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-plausibilitaetskennzeichen.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-plausibilitaetskennzeichen: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-plausibilitaetskennzeichen')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-punkteLDFPauschale.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-punkteLDFPauschale')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-rechnungsnummerKHLGF.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-rechnungsnummerKHLGF')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-sonderklasse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-sonderklasse: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-sonderleistungsnummer.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-sonderleistungsnummer')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-svAbrechnungsquartal.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition.context[0]warningReview the extension type for moped-ext-svAbrechnungsquartal: extensions should not have a context of Element unless it's really intended that they can be used anywhere
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-svAbrechnungsquartal')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-tageOhneKostenbeitrag.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-tageOhneKostenbeitrag')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-transportart.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-transportart')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-unfalldatum.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/example​.org​/StructureDefinition​/moped-ext-unfalldatum')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-AbrechnungsRelevanz-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1840)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-AbrechnungsRelevanz-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-Anwesenheitsart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1283)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-Anwesenheitsart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-Fondsrelevanz-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1977)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-Fondsrelevanz-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-KostenmeldungARK-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1392)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-KostenmeldungARK-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-LKFAbrechnungsGruppe-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c3541)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-LKFAbrechnungsGruppe-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-LKFAbrechnungsKnoten-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1575)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-LKFAbrechnungsKnoten-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-LKFHauptdiagnosegruppen-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1412)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-LKFHauptdiagnosegruppen-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-LKFmedizinischeEinzelleistungen-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1542)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet (l1/c1542)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.description is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-LKFmedizinischeEinzelleistungen-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-VAEStatus-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c4486)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-VAEStatus-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-VerdachtArbeitsSchuelerunfall-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1860)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-VerdachtArbeitsSchuelerunfall-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-VerpflegskostenBeitragsbefreiung-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c2231)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-VerpflegskostenBeitragsbefreiung-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-WorkflowStatus-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1263)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-WorkflowStatus-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-abgangsart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1444)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-abgangsart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-altersgruppe-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c2608)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-altersgruppe-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-aufnahmeart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1821)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-aufnahmeart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-behandlungsart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1344)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-behandlungsart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-entlassungsart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c5414)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-entlassungsart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-sonderklasse-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1249)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-sonderklasse-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1643)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-sonderleistungsnummern-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-transportart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c1740)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-transportart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-ursache-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c4421)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-ursache-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-moped-zugangsart-valueset.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.include[0]warningUnknown System '' specified, so Concepts and Filters can't be checked (Details: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated)
ValueSet (l1/c5051)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'moped-zugangsart-valueset')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from server, see log)

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-altersgruppe.jsonmoped-inv-Altersgruppe-1: The left side is inherently a collection, and so the expression '$this.extension('neugeborenes') = true' may fail or return false if there is more than one item in the content being evaluated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-moped-ext-altersgruppe.jsonmoped-inv-Altersgruppe-1: The left side is inherently a collection, and so the expression '$this.extension('beiZugang') = '0'' may fail or return false if there is more than one item in the content being evaluated


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-MOPEDAufnahmeBundle.jsonThe discriminator path 'resource.resolve().meta.profile' does not appear to be valid for the element that is being sliced 'Bundle.entry': Error evaluating FHIRPath expression: The function resolve can only be used on ordered string, uri, canonical or Reference but found [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] (@char 1)


fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBasis.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBund.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterLGF.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterSV.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-SAPS3Questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-tiss-a-questionnaire.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-Test2SAPS3QuestionnaireResponse1.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/QuestionnaireResponse-tiss-a-questionnaireresponse.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided


fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test1Account.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Workflow Status eines Falls' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test1Account.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Verdacht auf Arbeits- oder Schuelerunfall ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test2Account.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Workflow Status eines Falls' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test2Account.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Verdacht auf Arbeits- oder Schuelerunfall ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test1Condition1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition2.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'LKF Hauptdiagnosegruppen' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Sonderklasse ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Sonderklasse ValueSet' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Befreiung für den Verpflegskostenbeitrag' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Status der Versichertenanspruchserklärung' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Befreiung für den Verpflegskostenbeitrag' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounter.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Zugangsart des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonThe code provided ( was not found in the value set 'Zugangsart des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code from this value set is required: A definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1TransferEncounter1.jsonThe value provided ('55') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#55' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '55' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter1.jsonThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter2.jsonThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter3.jsonThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter4.jsonThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2TransferEncounter5.jsonThe value provided ('35') was not found in the value set 'Altersgruppe des Patienten' (|0.1.0), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The provided code '#35' was not found in the value set '|0.1.0'; The System URI could not be determined for the code '35' in the ValueSet '|0.1.0')


fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test1Condition1.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition1.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition2.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-Test1MOPEDCoverage.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Coverage-Test2MOPEDCoverage.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounter.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBasis.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterBund.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounterLGF.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1Patient.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1Patient.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientBund.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientLGF.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientOhneMaskierung.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientOhneMaskierung.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientSV.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test1PatientSV.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test2Patient.jsonValueSet '' not found
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-Test2Patient.jsonValueSet '' not found


fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounter.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-Test1OrganizationAbteilung1.jsonThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice)


fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test1Account.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test1Account.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test2Account.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Account-Test2Account.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test1Condition1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Condition-Test2Condition2.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityRequest-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityRequest1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test1MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/CoverageEligibilityResponse-Test2MOPEDCoverageEligibilityResponse1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test1MOPEDEncounter.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Encounter-Test2MOPEDEncounter1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-Test1OrganizationAbteilung1.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated