Integrierte Versorgung Diabetes (R4) ****** TEST VERSION ******
0.1.1 - ci-build

Integrierte Versorgung Diabetes (R4) ****** TEST VERSION ****** - Local Development build (v0.1.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: Diagnose - TTL Representation

Draft as of 2025-03-03

Raw ttl | Download

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:ValueSet ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "diagnose"] ; # 
  fhir:meta [
    ( fhir:profile [
fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
fhir:link <>     ] )
  ] ; # 
  fhir:text [
fhir:status [ fhir:v "generated" ] ;
fhir:div "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ValueSet diagnose</b></p><a name=\"diagnose\"> </a><a name=\"hcdiagnose\"> </a><a name=\"diagnose-en-US\"> </a><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\"/><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Profile: <a href=\"\">Shareable ValueSet</a></p></div><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"\"><code></code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Deutsch (Österreich) (German (Austria), de)</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">703272007</a></td><td>HFrEF - heart failure with reduced ejection fraction</td><td>HFrEF</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">788950000</a></td><td>HFmEF - heart failure with mid range ejection fraction</td><td>HFmrEF</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"\">446221000</a></td><td>HFpEF - heart failure with preserved ejection fraction</td><td>HFpEF</td></tr></table></li></ul></div>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral
  ] ; # 
  fhir:url [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI] ; # 
  fhir:version [ fhir:v "0.1.1"] ; # 
  fhir:name [ fhir:v "Diagnose"] ; # 
  fhir:title [ fhir:v "Diagnose"] ; # 
  fhir:status [ fhir:v "draft"] ; # 
  fhir:experimental [ fhir:v "false"^^xsd:boolean] ; # 
  fhir:date [ fhir:v "2025-03-03T10:25:21+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime] ; # 
  fhir:publisher [ fhir:v "ELGA GmbH"] ; # 
  fhir:contact ( [
fhir:name [ fhir:v "ELGA GmbH" ] ;
    ( fhir:telecom [
fhir:system [ fhir:v "url" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "" ]     ] )
  ] ) ; # 
  fhir:description [ fhir:v "Klassifikation der Herzinsuffizienz auf Basis der LVEF"] ; # 
  fhir:compose [
    ( fhir:include [
fhir:system [ fhir:v ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ;
      ( fhir:concept [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "703272007" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "HFrEF - heart failure with reduced ejection fraction" ] ;
        ( fhir:designation [
fhir:language [ fhir:v "de-AT" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "HFrEF" ]         ] )       ] [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "788950000" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "HFmEF - heart failure with mid range ejection fraction" ] ;
        ( fhir:designation [
fhir:language [ fhir:v "de-AT" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "HFmrEF" ]         ] )       ] [
fhir:code [ fhir:v "446221000" ] ;
fhir:display [ fhir:v "HFpEF - heart failure with preserved ejection fraction" ] ;
        ( fhir:designation [
fhir:language [ fhir:v "de-AT" ] ;
fhir:value [ fhir:v "HFpEF" ]         ] )       ] )     ] )
  ] . #